AppCamp 2014 Agenda
Announcing the 5th Annual Dust or Magic Children’s AppCamp
WHEN: June 8-10, 2014 (Sunday at 3:00 PM through Tuesday at 1:30 PM)
This year’s AppFest is a free pre-conference session, held in San Francisco from 3:00-6:00 PM on Saturday, June 7.
WHERE: A NEW LOCATION! Marconi Conference Center, 18500 State Highway One; P.O. Box 789, Marshall, CA 94940 (415-663-9020) 1.5 hours north of San Francisco International Airport (across the Golden Gate Bridge) on the east shore of Tomales Bay. The location provides dramatic views of the bay and the lush inland hills of the Point Reyes Peninsula. It is the site of the 1912 American Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company. See the location with this Google Map or view some social photo albums at the center’s Facebook page.
- Relax and take notes as you critique the latest apps by way of demonstrations.
- Tap the power of potential kid-appeal of the accelerometer, multi-touch and GPS while learning from veteran designers
- Get your hands on the latest mobile hardware, including the new Android tablets and the iPad Air
- Learn to apply child development principles to emerging technology in order to “capture the magic” that can launch a career and a business.
- Contribute your own vision of “dust” or “magic.”
- Leave inspired to create more engaging products that children can’t stop playing, with practical techniques and specific design ideas that can be applied —tomorrow.
- See Hanna Rosin’s article The Touch Screen Generation (April 2013, The Atlantic) to get an outside-in view of the event.
- Read more about AppCamp 2013 and AppCamp 2012, with links to past talks and videos.
REGISTRATION: $1440 for one seat, or $1050 each for 2 to 5, which includes food, wine, and materials. Housing is $341 (double occupancy) or $540 for a single room. The group size is limited, and space is offered on a first come, first served basis. Visit the registration form.
– Agenda –
Pack relaxed, casual clothing (layers are best) and arrive well rested with charged batteries. No overt selling or promoting is permitted; there will be a handout table where you can put flyers, information about an app, a recent study or product. Prepare a one page PDF with demo codes and send it to me by email (warren @ childrenstech.com). We’ll print one copy on site and post it near the table. If you plan on doing a demo, read this.
[highlight]June 7, 2014 — Children’s AppFest ($Sold out)[/highlight]
SORRY APPFEST 2014 IS FULL. Check back for next year.
WHERE: Co.lab, 650 Townsend Street, Suite 225, San Francisco, CA 94103. Close to the Cal Train Station; in the SoMa neighborhood; parking nearby — children welcome. Note that there is a Giant’s game that night with a start time of 7 PM. This could affect parking and transit.
WHEN: Saturday, June 7, 2014 — Children’s AppFest from 3 – 6 PM
WHAT: Children’s AppFest will go for about 3 hours. It is a cooperative effort between the SVKAG (Silicon Valley Kids Apps Group), Moms With Apps, Co.Lab and CTR/Dust or Magic. Many people worked to make this happen, especially Josh Garratt, Gabriel Adauto, Esteban Sosnik, Randy Weiner and Lorraine Akemann.
HOW IT WORKS: People who want to set up a demo station, take a balloon, write the name of your title on the balloon and put out a tablet. You might want to have business cards or a one page handout with some free download codes, so people can learn more about your work. This is an excellent place to get discovered, as several of the Dust or Magic speakers will be in the audience.
People (and kids) who want to get a demo will look for balloons. We’ll have snacks for the kids and adults. Parents are responsible for their kids.
At 5 PM, we’ll present a “State of the Children’s App” where we may show a few examples of “dust” and “magic” and provide a preview of the agenda, below. This event is free and public, but space is limited to 80, on a first-come, first served basis. Use this form: Advance registration for the free AppFest (not AppCamp). (Sold out, Sorry)
[highlight]Sunday June 8, 2014 at the Marconi Center[/highlight]
3:00 PM Checkin and Registration
Buck Hall Marconi Center (snacks provided, children and demos welcome)
This is an informal time when people can show and share apps.
When you arrive (if you are registered for the full AppCamp) find Barbara at the check-in desk (probably in the lobby of Buck Hall at 3 PM) and pick up your materials. It will contain everything you need. Note that Marconi has a lot of hills and wooded paths. We’ll give you a ride to your room in necessary. If you are just coming to the AppFest, you are welcome to stay, talk, demo and let your children explore the snacks and apps. As with previous years, this part of the day is open to the public — no registration is required. The other free portion of this event is the Children’s AppFest, this year held in the Co-Lab in San Francisco from 3 – 6 PM on June 7, Saturday. Details.
5:00 Panel: The Annual State of the Children’s App Huddle
The 2014 “State of the Children’s App” Panel with Caroline Hu Flexer, Pierre Abel, Barry O’Neil, Ann McCormick, Mark Schlichting, Gregg Spiridellis and Dan Russell-Pinson; moderated by Daren Carstens
Join the conversation as we review the last year, and discuss what will happen in 2015.
(AppFest participants depart).
6 – 7:30 PM Dinner (Dining Hall)
Welcome to AppCamp 5 by Warren Buckleitner and Daren Carstens
7:40 Sunset on the Marconi Hill at the site of the first wireless signal: Annual ego ceremony (mandatory for New Yorkers).

8:00 Raul Gutierrez, Tinybop
Designing for Slowness in an Age of Speed
You may have heard about The Human Body. It provided evidence that a single app can be heard around the world. Get a first-hand demo of Plants, and help assess if it will grow or wither in the app store.
9:00 Demos
10:00 PM Free play
[highlight]Monday June 9, 2014[/highlight]
7-8:15 am Breakfast Buffet (dining hall)
8:30 Child Development 101 for the Designers of Children’s Apps 2014 AppCamp Edition with Warren Buckleitner
9:00 Demos
9:30 Learning Theory Applied to App Design with Barbara Chamberlin
10:00 AppDance and Nice Touch — Charge up your tablet. This is an informal exploration with show and tell of some of the latest HCI “best practice” applied to multi-touch settings for children (and adults).
- Lessons in Multi-Touch Pedagogy from OZ and Shiny Things: Mat Peterson and Jane Abrams
- Barry O’Neill of StoryToys.
12:00 Lunch
1:00 François Boucher-Genesse and Dany Joly of Ululab: The Making of Slice Fractions
Children can’t stop playing Slice Fractions, and it even has the world “fractions” in it. How did Ululab’s cofounders create this magic, in their first app? They realized a few years ago through their background in the AAA game industry and academic research that games had tremendous potential as educational tools. Francois is in charge of game design, while Dany handles programming and business development. Come an hear their story.
1:45 Demos
2:15 Pierre Abel, L’Escapadou: My Experience in the Educational App Market
3:00 Demos
3:30 Workshop
4:45 Spotlight Talks (15 minutes each)
- Ann H. McCormick What I Learned from Making Reader Bee
- David Fox: What I Learned from Making Rube Works
- Seven Academy: Nathalie Gauthier — Pouring Some Piagetian Theory into an app
6-7:30 Dinner
7:40 Group photo (optional)
7:10 Sunset on that famous hill
8:00 The Year in Review by Dan Russell-Pinson
You’ve seen his apps… Stack the States, Presidents vs. Aliens and Monster Physics. Learn how Dan’s apps keep engagement high, price low, and prove you can make a living making apps.
8:30 Discussion and demos
10-midnight Free play
[highlight]Tuesday, June 10, 2014[/highlight]
Room checkout by 10 AM.
7-8:15 am Breakfast Buffet

8:30 Spotlight Talks — 15 minutes each
- Jim Gray: Guideposts from the New Science of Learning: making app experiences mentally Active, Engaging, Meaningful, and Social.
- Barbara Chamberlin: Are We Making a Difference? Lessons Learned in Measuring Learning on Games
- Keli Winters: Thinking Beyond the Pink and the Blue
- Daren Carstens: Thoughts for the road
10:30 Demos
11:00 Jens Peter de Pedro: Lessons from Toca Boca
12:00 Lunch
1:30 Review quiz, toast and depart.
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