Warren Buckleitner

Warren Buckleitner is an educational researcher and product reviewer for Children’s Technology Review, with a specialty in the design of interactive media. He’s currently an Assistant Professor at The College of New Jersey where he teaches design and creative technology.
He first came to Asilomar in 1986 to lead a class for head start teacher trainers.
He’s a former preschool and elementary classroom teacher, and holds degrees in elementary education, with a masters degree in Human Development from Pacific Oaks College, and a doctorate in educational psychology and technology from Michigan State University.
He studied child development with David P. Weikart at the High/Scope Educational Research Foundation where he worked as a Senior Consultant. Besides writing for the New York Times and founding Children’s Technology Review, he helped create several awards for children’s media for the Bologna Children’s Book Fair and CES. He created Dust or Magic in 2001.