Welcome to Dust or Magic Asilomar!
Here’s a draft agenda with some links to the handouts and some additional reading homework. All times are in the Pacific time zone.
Friday, June 2, 2023 (Scripps Hall)
Arrive and room check in, Phoebe Hearst social hall, then walk over to Scripps Hall which will be our home for the next three days. Scripps is one of the original Asilomar buildings. It was constructed in 1927 and is surrounded by tall Monterrey pines. It is fully handicapped accessible.
5:00 pm Scripps Hall for Hors D’oeuvres, and pick out your official hoodie and name badge.
6:00 Dinner (we will sit together, family style. Special diet needs are Vegan and gluten-free options are available).
7:30 Welcome and Introductions by Warren Buckleitner and Daren Carstens. Framing Questions.
8:30 A Maker Movement Retrospective, and the Making of Maker Music with Sherry Huss.
Sherry Huss has been at the heart of the Maker movement, as the Co-Founder of the Make Faire and Maker Media. Before Maker Faire she helped create events for Sun, Oracle and O’Reilly Media. Her latest project is Maker Music.
Sherry is all about creating experiences, connecting community, building tribes and having a bit of fun while she’s at it.
You can find Sherry on Twitter and Instagram @sherryhuss
9:30 End session
Saturday, June 3 (Scripps Hall)
8 to 9:30 am Breakfast (look for our table).
9:30 Joan Ganz Cooney Center news and updates by Medha Tare, Senior Product testing and Co-Design (by Zoom).
10:00 Ages and Stages. A Piagetian primer to understand and recognize the key indicators of a changing stage as well as a developmental look at different interfaces.
10:30 Harnessing the Power of Active Learning
- Maria Montessori’s thoughts on technology, and how to exploit it to maximize learning.
- Language — Encoding and decoding; writing and reading and technology.
- Sarah Smilansky and Bluey. Key ideas from last year’s talk by Joe Brumm.
- Piaget’s main ideas — equilibration, disequilibration, assimilation; the role of language in representing and “building knowledge.”
- Papert’s constructivism, or constructionism. Different efforts to create programming languages for children, from Alice to Scratch

11:00 Generation AI: A Roundtable — ChatGPT, “smart” interfaces, and AI in general has the potential to greatly improve childhood, or perhaps not. It’s a topic worth exploring and understanding. Thankfully we have Robin Raskin (VEG), Sherry Huss, David Kleeman (by Zoom) and John Ittelson to help us lead a roundtable discussion on what this all means.
Drop in by Zoom.
12:00 Lunch
1:30 Social Constructivism, ZPD, Behavorism and Cognitive Science. Here are some slides from Warren’s TCNJ class. Examples of both Dust and Magic will be provided.
- Vygotsky and social constructivism
- Skinner
- Conditioning
- Addiction
- Ludic Loops and casino science
- Addiction
- Jerome Bruner and Howard Gardner
- Multiple Intelligence Theory
3:00 Barbara Chamberlin. Concrete examples of the theory applied to media.
4:00 Catalina Holly — A message from a future teacher
5:00 Dismiss
6:00 Dinner
7:00 campfire at the beach
8:00 Evening demo and talk — by Josh Garrett, Creativity Inc.
9:00 Chris Byrne — WOW (Tapping the power of play patterns).
Sunday June 4, 2023 (Scripps Hall)
8:00 am Walk on the beach; breakfast
9:30 Humanism. AKA the Methods of Fred Rogers
- Stillness
- Maslow
- A Fred Rogers checklist for making media
- The Sacred Space
- Iteration, and building a career
- Making goodness attractive
10:45 Sago Mini turns ten years old. A virtual birthday party, with comments and lessons learned by Jason Krogh by Zoom.
11:00 am Dust or Magic Zoom-Fest — A closing panel, and a check in with friends near and far. We’ll start up the Zoom machine and use this link to share virtual greetings — Click here to join.
12:00 Lunch
1:30 Dismiss
Please note that no Dust or Magic is planned for next year. The Picky Teacher will be taking some personal days.